About me

Currently a graduate student in the Master’s of Computer Science program at Utah Valley University. My current research, with Dr. Brian Knaeble, is concerned with residuals in high-dimensional multiple linear regression, and the application of those residuals to pruning decision trees.

I earned a Master’s in Linguistics from University of Utah. My research then was focused on the form and meaning of aspectual adverbials such as still, already, not anymore, not yet, again, and anew, as well as their Spanish counterparts. The title of my thesis is “Spanish Aspectual Adverbials: Scales and Repetition”.

Data Science Research interests:

  • NLP for low-resource languages, especially sentiment analysis
  • Optimization of AI algorithms, especially RL
  • Optimization with high-dimensional regression
  • Causal inference
  • Ethical, robust, and responsible AI

Linguistics Research interests:

  • Syntax-semantics interface
  • Aspectual adverbials
  • Uto-Aztecan languages

Casual academic interests:

  • Extended Kalman filtering and SLAM algorithms
  • Group theory and elliptic curve cryptography
  • Quaternions and octonions in deep learning
  • Hausdorff distance in image processing
  • Fractal geometry and non-integer dimensions
  • Set theory

Miscellaneous interests:

  • Music composition, especially counterpoint
  • Abstract algebra in music
  • Ballet (Cecchetti)